Geraint John
This firm is also known as Catrin Consulting View other names
Not an SRA-regulated firm
- Head office address
- St Albans View contact details
- SRA number
- 812898
- Regulatory record
- See records of the people in this practice
We do not regulate this practice but it appears in our register because its owner is an SRA-regulated person. You can see a list of the SRA-regulated people in this organisation below.
Important information
- This organisation cannot provide reserved legal activities
- We do not set rules about insurance for this organisation
- If things go wrong and your money is lost, our compensation fund will not be able to reimburse you
- If things go wrong we may be able to get your documents and money back
- The SRA-regulated people in this practice must follow our rules
Trading names lists the names this firm uses now. Previous names lists names this firm has used in the past.
These are the SRA-regulated people in this organisation.
There are no disciplinary or regulatory decisions currently published about this firm. Read our decision publication policy.